We went to the Dr. yesterday for Isaac's weight check--They just wanted to make sure he was getting enough to eat. Last week they were a little worried...I had been having trouble filling him up AND pumping in order to store up for when i go back to work--That's A LOT of MILK! Isaac had been wanting to eat SO MUCH & cried unless I fed him often, I just assumed he wasn't getting enough. When we brought him home from the hospital, he would go an average 4hrs without complaining to eat and i made sure to fill him up when he was hungry...but lately it's more like an average of every 2-3hrs with some 'snacking' in between. We soon found out he's just a hungry man and luckily breastfeeding is like- 'supply and demand'- (given a few days for my body to adjust, if he needs it, it will come)
A good solid average for baby is gaining 1 ounce a day. Our last visit Isaac weighed 7lbs 8oz. Yesterday he weighed 8lbs 5oz!!!! THAT'S 13oz IN 6 DAYS!!! My son has eaten double whats normal! My lil porker!
(No wonder mommy is sore!)Dr. Theilhelm and Miss _____ (the nurse--I forgot her name...) were so funny! It was supposed to be a 'nurse checkup' but she was so excited she went and told Dr. Theilhelm who came out to visit &
congratulate us. They were impressed that he gained so much in such a short time. I had been so frustrated thinking his 'feeding fussiness' was b/c i wasn't making enough milk but they simply explained that he was just honestly hungry more often and not to be surprised if he wants more and that its actually ok and normal to supplement with formula if need be. ITS ALL A LEARNING GAME! They were impressed with how he's growing and seemed to truly care about our family.
We are so blessed to have so much. I love my life & don't get me wrong, am thankful for how God has enriched my life but honestly its been hard. I have been dealing with some 'baby blues' issues and really struggling with just a overwhelming sense of invisibility...Its hard to explain what i'm feeling and i don't understand the hormonal imbalance going on but i just want to cry out, "I'm right here!" and after stepping back- no matter how colicky Isaac is or how utterly exhausted I am or how hopeless I feel, the Lord hasn't left me. He is there. Isaac
eventually stops crying, the late evening arrives and sleep (no matter how small the amount) comes. Forgive me Lord. It's then I have to smile and marvel at how happy we are and how much we truly have and that my Jesus is right there--and has been--holding my hand the whole time.