Part One--More pictures to follow--(as soon as my parents send them to me-*ahhh hemm)

We'd like to give a BIG "Thank You" to all of the service men & women who have and are protecting our rights, our liberties, our freedom. I am so grateful for you and for the opportunity to raise my baby in a country Under God and have not forgotten that you are helping to keep us safe. May the Lord bless you & keep you...

So at the last minute, we decided to go to Tampa for the night. We left Sunday after church and arrived in St. Pete/Treasure Island/Madera Beach and stayed at the Grand Plaza Hotel Beachfront Resort (behind Matt)We don't recommend it =)

The hat is too small for his big little head =)


Arching his back in protest--"I don't like this! It's too splashy!"

Calming down and chillin' out by the pool

Monday we went to Fort Desoto State Park

"So a jet skis kinda like Superman??"

"Mommy, stop takin pictures and find my pack&play please! Whats a guy gotta do to get a nap around here?"