at the beach-cousins!

Happy 4th!

As it is hard to upload anything using a dial-up connection, I've been a bit behind updating our blog but have no fear, we are still here!
Or at my Grandmommy's rather, during our house hunt. It has been exciting looking at homes and choosing what will be best for us. I've never had to go through this process before as I went straight from my parent's house into Matt's once we were married and I feel like a grown-up analyzing and seeking our next home! We have a definite idea of what we want and our realtor is doing an awesome job so far...We are working with a good friend of ours who went thru our youth ministry, Nick Nesta. He's gonna be sought after someday; great at what he does...anyway, we still want to be in Arbor Ridge but we'll see what God has planned for us.
Matt is still working hard at the Greenhouse...he's actually out in the heat right now changing the oil im my jeep...thanks sweetheart =)We are out at his work now so i'm taking advantage of the opportunity to post but i don't have any photos WITH ME! AHHHHH!
I am still teaching at Trinity with the 2 year olds but come August I am moving to Nursery D (which is the class that gets the 1 1/2 yr olds ready for preschool) and I'll be working with my dear friend Brenda, so i'm excited. It's also right across from the classroom Isaac will be in so that's a major plus =) I've also started my second children's book...Hopefully someone important will fall in love with the manuscripts =)
Neil, my little brother (which he's not like...small, just younger =) is going to Panama City beach for a youth camp this week! Pray for their safety and enjoyment...this will be his last trip/event in youth ministry. He just graduated and is interning with our dear friend, Adam Shaw right now, learning how to be a physical therapist.
Brittany, Brittany, Brittany. My sister is in the process of buying a puppy...which we will be leaving in a few mins to go see the yorkiepoo pups and she is flying in a few weeks to visit her sweet boyfriend, Justin in Missouri where the Air Force has stationed him to work on the air crafts. Again, pray for her safety since she will be flying alone...that's scary to me...airplanes and I don't get along very well =)

We got a video camera (jvc everio) to capture all of the wonderful things our lil boy is doing...only problem is I'm looking at it right now and i can't figure out HOW TO UPLOAD THE VIDEOS I'VE TAKEN!?! I have some cute ones...I'll just have to show you later...this is turing out to be a dud post (haha)
and the news we've all been waiting for...ISAAC!!
He is getting soooo big! Lets hit the major points...
* He is crawling! Gets on his hands and knees and rocks --then this week he is actually taking "crawling steps".
* He can sit up by himself! We don't stray too far in case he topples over (he has no idea that flinging himself backward will hurt)
* He is eating a fruit in the morning and veggie at night! (along with bottles of course but it close to holding them by hiself)

high chair at mimi's and papaws
* We have two bottom teeth! They are soooo cute.
*He likes to stand and hold onto the stool...his legs are really strong
* He has discovered he can yell. Shrieky outbursts in addition to when he "talks" makes for a noisey little boy.
* He loves to jump! In his jumper or saucer or in your lap...it doesn't matter...as long as he can stretch those legs!
* Loves cartoons (even though its limited, maybe once every 3 days-just too busy and normally go swimming if any down time)...in particular, Disney Channel. (mother's boy)
He is getting on a schedule and loves his routines...He's sooo busy! These are the majors- We are so proud of him and feel so blessed to be his parents.
I will post pictures this week so check back