I started volunteering at Freedom Ride a few Saturdays a month. Its a wonderful place. They offer Horse therapy for people with disabilities and its so amazing to see the progress and growth...They just light up to be on horseback! I love being around such awesome individuals! They are so cool.
So during the lessons, they work on a variety of skills- From sitting up straight, to weaving in and out (or over) poles, to puting rings on stakes or toys in a mailbox- all while listening to instructions and simply staying on. Then, they trot around the ring working on balance...Its a blast. And a workout for the volunteers =) My job in all of this?

There is the mucking of stalls (cleaning up horse poo), grooming, feeding -that kind of stuff related to barn care. Then when they feel you're comfortable and experienced enough to work in lessons, you can sidewalk (holding the rider to the saddle and jogging beside, spotting) and horse handle (leading). (see pic below) They even asked me to show some other volunteers how to tack a western saddle! I was so in my element

The other plus (and obvious point to anyone who knows me) is my love for horses!
THese are the beauties i worked with last saturday-

Its such a joy! I went to go help others and yet, THEY are the ones making such an impression on MY heart. The Lord is truly blessing and growing ME through all of this. I will try to get some pictures to post later but it'll will probably be just the facility, ect due to confidentiality--

If you want to check out more, just visit their website, www.freedomride.com

Therapeutic riding uses equine-oriented activities for the purpose of contributing positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional and social well being of people with disabilities.