Monday, August 8, 2011

Our little girl is here!

Alaina Rose Metzler
Born Tuesday, August 2nd at 5:05pm

Tuesday @ 2:30am
I woke up and realized something was different.
I thought it was my water leaking but not like a huge gush or anything. After sitting up every 25 mins and knew that it wasn't pee. I also had light, irregular contractions and tried to sleep some of it off until morning.
7:00 am
I told Matt what had been happening and that I thought it was my water. He told me to call my Dr and once I spoke with them, to call him and he'd be right home. (his work is 2 mins away)
Dr said I should go to the hospital so they can check and test what it may be. Matt came home and put our things in the car, just in case it was for real... We dropped Isaac off at Grandma Chris' house and he gave me a kiss and said, "Go to the doctor, Mommy".
Arrived at Winnie Palmer and 10 mins later was admitted to triage. My contractions were more consistant but not too painful. At this point i was at 2cm. After some tests, they confirmed that my water had ruptured and gave me an IV and did bloodwork. We were on monitors for another hour while waiting for a room.
Got settled in our labor and delievery room for the main event. It was a pretty quiet afternoon. I sat on the birthing ball eating ice chips and chicken broth which was divine considering i was in labor.. at 4 centimeters, I decided to call for my epidural. She put it lower in my back than where it was with Isaac and had to re-thread it b/c it curled inside a blood vessel. Besides that and the contractions which were very different than with my son-Things were so smooth. I made it to 6cm and then things took off. I  felt a different kind of pressure the epidural wasn't helping with and called the nurse (Gina-the most awesome RN ever!) I told Matt, I felt like i needed to push! She rushed out after checking me b/c in 45 mins, I went from 6cm to 10. I had dr Diebel with me the whole time until now--There was another patient much worse off than me and thats when dr Jones took over. My mom just made it here and came in the room asking if we were at 7cm yet. The nurse said, "mom we're complete and getting ready to push!"
Dr Jones walked in, i pushed for 10 mins and she was here! Praise the Lord for a wonderful delivery and a beautiful baby girl! She is so perfect.

our first family photo with our little girl!

We were released from the hospital on Thursday at 4:15pm.
Very glad to be home and excited to begin our new chapter


The Other Side of Me said...

What a joy! Congrats to the new family of 4!

Kristin said...

Congrats! She is beautiful!!!