Sunday, April 8, 2012

c'mon over for Easter at our house

 "See, I have not forgotten you! I have engraved you on the palms of my hands..." Isaiah 49:16

Isaac, Alaina and I had Good Friday off, so we decided to (among other things) dye eggs and make choc covered pretzel bird nests and crosses. We first colored the hard boiled eggs with crayons then dunked them in our choice dye.
We attended our church with Matt's parents and ate at Sonny's afterward. We rented a redbox (not unusual) where I convinced Matt to get 'War Horse'. Directed by Spielberg. I thought it would be good!  Lets just say he didn't make it halfway through...
I left a trail of eggs from Isaac's room out to the family room and hung baskets on their doorknobs. Determined to be WOB (worlds best mommy), I was so excited to see what he thought about it when he woke up...Instead i had to SHOW him b/c he was so oblivious as he staggered into our room asking, "Can you put on a movie for me momma?"
I practically shouted, "Honey, did you like the easter eggs?!"
"What eggs?"

 In the afternoon, we had family over to our home for lunch and an egg hunt!

 looking for bugs with my bug catcher =)
 spotted a butterfly
shoulder ride from Grandpa
 momma made a net and caught it! (I felt like Katniss successfully trapping my game)
 Alaina's first Easter! Pretty bunny...
 SOMEONE gave Isaac a water gun...
 Isaac trying to shoot a drink in his mouth =)

Happy Easter all!

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