Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Alaina is growing and learning and truly becoming her own little person! She now has two bottom teeth, says "Dada" besides her other "chatting", is 'army crawling', and loves to clap! Her dark hair is really coming in and it's curly at the ends. She loves people and depending on her mood (a true female) will cry when she's in the room by herself (or the one time when she rolled off the bed...) She responds to music in such a way that Isaac never did. Any music and she perks up, clapping, smiling and cooing! Her rhythm carries over when she's in the jumper! She's a maniac in that thing! When her thumb isn't in her mouth, she always 'fixes her pretty hands.' Sadly, she does have asthma (a trait from me) and has had a rough week with whAt ever is bLoOming out there!
Isaac is so good with her even considering the fact that he is ALL bOY! (dirt, sweat & energy included--it is crazy that even at his young age, passing gas is hilarious)  He is the perfect big brother- I told him today after school, "Okay, lets get outta here". He dug his heels in and sternly replied, "Not yet! We gotta get Alaina Rose first!" Like that's a step i was going to forget. He is such a sweetheart. Today he sat beside me and used his legos to 'brush' my hair. I kept on working until he said, "there, now it's beautiful". =) Isaac's memory is incredible (especially when i don't want him to remember something -like when Alaina rolled off the bed...) and he is so smart--He has been counting up to 20 and recognizes his name and many other letters. He can write a few and draw simple shapes. I am daily blessed & impressed by them both.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

she's such a cutie!