Sunday, September 27, 2009

HodGe pOdge

(Yes we are still here =) and here's a blurp at whats going on with us!

*We are still looking for a church and have been loving seeing 'whats out there'. First Eustis, Northland, First Baptist of Umatilla and Journey are among our favorites...There is so much being done for the Kingdom, its so exciting as we allow God to lead us in His direction.
*We are still waiting for the bank to accept, decline or counter our offer. We have been learning patience =) Not a fun virtue to learn but I'm told its an important one!
*Our University of South Florida beat FSU yesterday 17-7! An away game, with a new quarterback against a ranked team- A beautiful victory if you had the chance to watch...

*My little brother's Birthday is today and we celebrated at Red Lobster! (It was Isaac's first time in a restaurant high chair and mommy even gave him some of her cheddarbiscuit!) Photos will follow... I am so proud of the young man he is becoming! Let the Lord lead and bless you Neil =)
*Speaking of birthdays, we went to Tampa to visit Brad & Nina and Doug & Staci (We will be taking a trip to the cabin at the end of next month with them and can't wait!!) and celebrated 'Uncle Doug's' Birthday with golf, grilling and a super sweet ocean cake =) love you Uncle Doug!

*My cousin Krissy is engaged! and all of the Sargent kids will be in her beautiful wedding! We love you and Brian and wish you every happiness as you start your life together as husband and wife! (Wedding will take place in May 2010)

*Pray for Stephanie's book...Mid-October it will be in the hands of the bigwigs at Lifeway which could provide a major opportunity. I'm also halfway through my second children's book and am loving how its turning out!

Isaac is doing SO well!
*He's a fast crawler!
*Can stand up while holding onto something and 'walked' holding onto Mommys hands around the coffee table 6 times last night!
*Has learned to 'clear his throat'-something everyone should hear
*Loves to sit on his knees

*Can wave, clap and is working on blowing kisses

*Loves to eat puffs and real green beans
*Says 'Dadada' when he's full and happy & will say 'mamama' when he's tired, upset and hungry...isn't that funny?
*Plays with daddy--they chase each other--its so funny, i'll have to get a video of it!
*Takes 2 naps a day and is working on using a sippy cup...this one has a straw

Loves the water


*It takes two of us to give him a bath--the child wants to go head first and play in the water--Bathtime is truly a wrestling match!

*has started 'singing'? (i don't really know what you'd call it?)
*has been upgraded to a big boy car seat! We got this one b/c of price/cuteness/takes up minimal space/has storage and it converts into booster (one less thing to buy!) Safety is key too but they ALL have to meet certain safety standards--

Isaac is kinda 50/50 with it...He likes sitting up and seeing things (even though he still has to be rear-facing) but again it doesn't cradle him like his infant seat--We're all learning =)
This is at school...the feeding line (heehee) He's not happy b/c i'm standing RIGHT THERE and i'm not feeding him and i'm not picking him up...notice his buddy Braeden (right) chillin with his foot up =)

My big boy is wearing a lunch shirt so his cute clothes don't get food all over...

*He loves to look around and people watch! (Waving at Aunt Britt during lunch at Chickfila)

Matt and I are having a blast being parents...even if it takes us longer to clean up nowadays =)

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