Sunday, August 21, 2011

love, multiplied

This is a collection of photos my mother-in-law took with her new camera. Alaina is 10 days old here. I was worried before she was born at how I could adore another baby any more than I adore Isaac or how I could manage to share my love with two kids....God is so good and I know nothing. I didn't have to split or divvy anything up. He just gave me more room in my heart.  There is just an abundance of joy and love He bestows to ordinary parents like us and His grace covers all of our shortcomings and doubts. We are so thankful the Lord allowed us to grow and raise these two beautiful, sweet blessings. I will say these pictures are my new favorites--especially with both my children...


Kristin said...

Love, love, love these pictures!

The Other Side of Me said...

They are amazing Steph! You are truly blessed! <3