Sunday, September 14, 2008


My poor lil puppy! She had to get fixed this weekend and Matt has been teasing me that she isn't a girl anymore! She is so sore and when she gets excited, she tries so hard to show you but her tail wags so slow--Her tummy is very tender and has been trying not to extend herself very far...poor sweet thing! She should be 100% back to normal by the end of this week and has been making some progress!

Matt and I went to Target this weekend and registered there! I made sure to keep track of the items that we didn't like at BabiesRUS whether it was too expensive or not the right style and registered for it at Target--We are so happy with our list even though we fell like we have no idea what we're doing! Lord, we totally need you to help us raise this baby boy! Look how cute this outfit is!

Steph is getting bigger (whoa!) and feeling A LOT of movement! She is 22 weeks today and at 11 inches
(the length of a spaghetti squash) and almost 1 pound, our baby is starting to look like a miniature newborn. His lips, eyelids, and eyebrows are becoming more distinct, and he's even developing tiny tooth buds beneath his gums. His eyes have formed, but his irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment. If you could see inside your womb, you'd be able to spot the fine hair (lanugo) that covers his body and the deep wrinkles on his skin, which he'll sport until he adds a padding of fat to fill them in. Inside his belly, his pancreas — essential for the production of some important hormones — is developing steadily.

1 comment:

The Other Side of Me said...

Oh, my gosh! I just read the news, a baby boy for you! How wonderful! I'm glad I was thinking about you this morning, you brought a smile to my face. I'd love to hear the names your thinking of...I'm sure they'll be just wonderful. Take care! ~Kerye