Saturday, July 9, 2011

my responsible two year old

Isaac and I were driving back from dinner at my in-laws. It was after 8pm and I was mentioning to Isaac that it was dark outside and late and we needed to get home to check on daddy (he wasn't feeling well).

Then he took control and said, " Mommy, I get in our neighborhood, put on Thomas pajamas, brush the teeth, get a bitamin, kiss my daddy, pray in my room, go sleep... its a deal." 

"It's a deal mommy?"

I started laughing which made him laugh and we continued all the way home.


We always say our prayers and normally Matt or I lead him and he repeats us. The other night Isaac led them all by hisself and it began like this...

"Dear Lord,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for my mommy and my daddy. an Isaac and Lucy girl (our dog) and keep da baby healfy an keep uncle Fillup safe (philip is overseas in Afghanastan) {and then he named family members, mentioned school and food and his house and ended with} I love you Lord, Amen."

Matt and I were both in his room when he ended and my heart was overjoyed at his understanding of what is important and how to pray.

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6


Shannon Kay Young said...

Aww, so proud of little Isaac! This just made me cry! He has such good parents as examples! Love you!

Brittany Pike said...

awwww what a precious lil nephew!! MISS YOU! xoxo